Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Configure router as Frame-Relay Switch

I call this the obligatory Router acting as a Frame-Relay Switch post.

You will find that a lot of blogs or websites post information on configuring a router to act as a frame-relay switch. The reason for this is that is a great way to simulate frame-relay in a lab and is very important in order to work on frame-relay and how it effects various other protocols and technologies. Instead of providing yet another example of how to accomplish this, this post is to provide a link to some of those examples out there.
I personally always had an old 4500 Router with 2 4 port serial cards acting as my frame-relay switch. It served dual duty as the frame switch and one of my backbone router via an ethernet interface. As you will see though, a very cost effective with is with 2500 series routers.

Link - InternetworkExpert's examples on 2501 and 2520 series routers
Link - Example posted on CCIEtalk
Link - Example for 2520 from Chris Bryant CCIE #12933
Link - Another good example from Kyle Lutz on Tech Exams

A simple search will provide even more examples.

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